First time...

"You should write a Blog", a good friend of mine told me —and took the words right out of my mouth— when thinking about a proper way to channel all my rants. Ranting is some kind of sport to me, a habit, an unconscious stream of derogatory concepts against my surroundings (people, objects, sales people, music, art, design, work... you name it). However, the word "constructive" doesn't often come to mind when examining the objective of my inner bouts between mind and soul. What is the purpose of my complaints beyond the mere discharge of emotions, the pure venting of contained rage against the inevitable or the unavoidable? Something productive, shining, usable, mind pleasing, eye pleasing at the very least should come out of this seemingly absolute waste of mental energy.
"You complain too much", another good friend told me once. Enough of a good friend to tell me to my face anyway. Let's put it to good use. Let's do it in the form of a blog...


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